Hi all! In this blog I’m writing about:

  • Where I got the idea of becomming a guitarist from and what my first guitar was,
  • Who inspired me and what my first song was,
  • How I got thaught guitar,
  • How I got my until now favorite guitar and what lead me to it,
  • How I got the idea of starting my Youtube Channel,

Sooooo, let’s begin!

The Spirit and my first guitar

It’s Christmas, yay! 😀 (About 12 years ago) ;P
Me as a child, all excited getting all the stuff I wanted, because I have of course been a good one.
But then suddenly, randomly, a black guitar – just a black children’s guitar.
I never asked for it, but I thought I wouldn’t complain about an additional present that I didn’t ask for. Like how we say in german: you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

So well, I started to play around with it a little. I dropped it, I picked it up again, I dropped it … you get it. It was very hard to me and I lost interest. Another Christmas day I received an ukulele xD

Metal and or Rock was generally very popular in my family, so I also fell for it and started to love it.
Few years continued without guitar but listening to metal a lot . . . 😉

So that’s it! My first guitar 🙂

That random ukulele that also spawned one christmas

Who inspired me and my first song

So one day listening to my favorite band Rammstein – Ich Will, an idea came up.
Hey – there was something with a guitar back then, why don’t I just do it. So I was picking up that child’s toy guitar again but quickly realised I needed something real. Luckily one of my family members gave up on guitar aswell, and I borrowed their guitar. I started strumming on Ich Will with a Les Paul until you could halfways recognize what it should be representing.

Who thaught you guitar?

I’m gonna make this one quick. I did. Songsterr did. 🙂

How I got my until now favorite guitar and what lead me to it

Sooooo, after I stole that family members guitar, I again felt like I needed something bigger and better. So a guitar was bought for me.

My first real guitar which I still use in covers with Richard Z. Kruspe Pick (Lead Guitarist of Rammstein) <3

I was extremely happy, but it didn’t last long. The sound wasn’t my thing. I needed something more heavier and more distorted. So here started another era: me recording myself and improving audio quality. I tried to satisfy myself with the sound but it didn’t work after years – Since I am a huge Rammstein Fan I wanted that cool 90s RZK guitar with the skulls.
Turns out that this is the guitar of lead guitarist of Metallica. It didn’t matter, RZK had it so I wanted it.

You won’t believe it, but on another christmas day I got this:

My favorite guitar on it’s first day

– KH-602 –

I still love it and use it, in almost every cover.

How did Youtube start?

So as I mentioned, I’ve been working on guitar recording and playing for years.
I met this one online friend, Emil, over VRChat. We have been chatting for years now.
This metalhead (who became a great friend) started to like my guitar and I used to send him files about how I covered or played stuff, while he gave me feedback.

Have a listen of what I sent him back then (it’s not perfect):

do you have a yt channel?? […] You are ready I tell you, its good

Emil 14.05.2021

So after a year or 2, he continously said I should make this more public, not only send it to him. But I didn’t feel good enough or needed to train more, but one day I started my Youtube Channel and here I am now.

Thanks for taking your time to read this 🙂
wish you a nice day ~


7 thoughts on “How everything began

  1. Mick says:

    Just letting you know that I’ve visited your webpage, brother. 😉♥


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