Why I changed Guitars (and video pose)

This article will explain why I switched my main guitar after many years and how I’ve come full circle, returning almost to the same pose I had when I started my YouTube channel over a year ago.

The Change

As many of you know, I’ve owned quite a few guitars over the years, as detailed in this article. My last guitar, the ESP LTD KH-602, seemed like a dream come true, perfecting everything I wanted in an instrument.


So, you might be wondering: if it was so perfect, why did I switch?

Well, it all comes down to the Floyd Rose system.

Floyd Rose System

Yes, that piece of hardware above. While it might look cool, it can be a hassle under certain conditions. When I visited a guitar store for the first time to buy my initial guitar, the salesperson advised against getting one with a Floyd Rose system, claiming it was only for advanced players. At the time, I thought bro was talking nonsense, and I still believe he was talking nonsense. That’s not why I decided to change guitars.

To better understand why I switched now, let’s first look at the differences between the Floyd Rose system and the setup on my new guitar, the ESP LTD EC-256.

The Floyd Rose System vs. ESP LTD EC-256

Floyd Rose System:

  • Innovative but complex
  • Time-consuming for string changes and tuning adjustments
  • Locking mechanism can be cumbersome for quick tuning changes


  • Traditional fixed bridge
  • Quick and easy string changes and tuning adjustments
  • More straightforward and practical for my current needs


While the ESP LTD KH-602 is an incredible guitar, the simplicity and ease of use of the EC-256, especially regarding tunings and string changes, fits much better with my role as a cover guitarist. It was an absolute pain to cover songs knowing I had to get my screwdriver and other equipment, and spend a lot of time just to change the whole setup for one song. And then repeat the process for the next song, and the next. With this new guitar, it’s child’s play in comparison. I can change tuning within 3 minutes at most without screwdrivers or extra equipment.

Here is the timesaver:

The timesaver

Why this Guitar?

I started teaching myself guitar on a Les Paul-like model about 7-9 years ago, so I’m not a stranger to this type. The final push to get a guitar like this, in both color and style, came from a music video:
The Music Video of Deathstars’ All the Devils Toys:

DEATHSTARS – All the Devilys Toys

It’s definitely not the same guitar, but stylistically, this is where I got the inspiration! Check out my unpacking video if you want to see more:

Me unpacking my ESP LTD EC-256


This guitar feels familiar since I started learning on a Les Paul-like guitar. It’s kind of back to the roots for me. I was also impressed by the sound, despite the cult status of the active pickups used in the KH-602. It is definitely a great choice for my current needs as a cover guitarist, even tho I miss the Skulls D:

Why I changed video pose

I felt that my videos had a better background when I started. The reason I began standing was mostly because I thought I needed a change. Eventually, unable to decide what was better, I started a poll. All platforms were split about whether I should continue standing or go back to sitting. I added my own vote, which tipped the decision to sitting again. Since it was about 50/50, sitting is simply easier for me when making videos.

If you want, here is one of my latest videos in my “old new” sitting pose:

Let’s see how long I stick with this pose until I decide to switch things up again! 😉

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day wherever you are!

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