Updates (Dark Theme, etc.)

I’ve just done performance and visual Updates as you can see.
I hope you like it! 🖤🔥
Here are the results:


Header Section

Introduction Section

Content Section

Data Section


Header Section

Content Section

Data Section

So what are the changes?

  • The header GIF which massively consumed bandwith has been replaced with an image.
    Which lead to:
  • Greatly improved bandwith
  • The site generally has been turned into black, because black is better and black is more metal.
  • Introduction section is now on the frontpage
  • The original introduction from the top right has been replaced by links to my accounts
  • The Header section has been made more slim (Like we say in german: less is sometimes more)

Thank you for checking this out!
Wish you a nice day~ 🖤💕🤘🏻

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